Hemorrhoid disease is often considered a mild condition. In fact, the danger of silenced hemorrhoids can disrupt activities and health for the long term. Hemorrhoids have several dangers that may occur if hemorrhoids are not immediately treated or treated. Here are the potential dangers of untreated hemorrhoids:
1. Triggers cancer cells in anus
Bleeding and inflammation that occurs in someone who experiences hemorrhoid in the long run. And did not immediately get medical treatment. Then the infection will be ridden by various viruses that will trigger abnormal cell growth. Which eventually becomes anus cancer cells.
2. The wound becomes festering.
If the hemorrhoids that you suffer from injury due to friction or pressure that may occur. The wound can be attacked by bacteria or viruses that are inside the anus so that it is irritated and makes the wound festering.
3. Dead or decayed tissue
This complication can occur if a lump of hemorrhoids comes out of the anus, then squeezed by a circular muscle. This pinched hemorrhoid condition results in incomplete blood flow. Where blood will accumulate in the swelling area of hemorrhoids. In a long time the blood can form a blood clot and make the surrounding tissue die. Another result of hemorrhoids suffered more pain.
4. Hemorrhoids Strangulata
Perhaps many who do not know hemorrhoids stangulata. Hemorrhoids strangulata is a complication of hemorrhoids that occurs because the blood supply to internal hemorrhoids is interrupted. In this condition it is possible hemorrhoids pinched which causes extreme pain. Complications can also have a risk of gangrene or tissue death.
5. Anemia
The disorder in question is in the form of a reduction in the number of red blood cells which has the important function of carrying oxygen to all cells of the body. Because the number of red blood cells is not optimal resulting in anemia that attacks hemorrhoid sufferers.
For now medical hemorrhoids treatment procedures, namely: Binding or hemorrhoidal ligation, Sclerotherapy injections, infrared coagulation, and the last resort is surgery. In addition there are also herbal treatments that are safer without side effects.
Enerfiber (10g per sachet)/30 Sachet per box
1. Simple, tasty and dietary fibre-rich drink to help you meet the recommended daily dietary fibre intake.
2. Produced from natural fruits, vegetables, cereals and grains, unique formulation with added Spirulina and Chlorophyll.
Apple, Kiwi Fruit, Guava, Oat, Oat Fibre, Oligosaccharides, Wheat Grass, Barley Grass, Spirulina, Stevia, Chlorophyll of Alfalfa and Natural Lemon Flavour.
Unique Feature
High dietary fibre, rich in fiber in every sachet.
Consist of spirulina and chlorophyll, help to remove toxins in blood.
Consist of probiotic and enzyme premix, help to improve gastrointestinal health.
Preservatives free and artificial colouring free.
Suitable for vegetarian.
Health tips
It's important to make sure you drink plenty of water. You should drink at least 2 litres (6~8 glasses) of water a day after taking Enerfiber.
Suggested intake and direction for use
Recommendation for adult is daily intake of 1 - 2 packets and ½ - 1 packet for children in the morning or before bed time.
Add 1 packet Enerfiber into 200 ~ 250ml room temperature water in a shaker. Shake well and drink immediately.
Dietary fibre
Normalizes your bowel movement and prevent constipation.
Promotes interstinal excretion of waste and toxins. Result is a healthy and beautiful skin complexion.
Enhances the grownth of probiotics and improves body metabolism.
Increase feeling of satiety, helps you to feel full longer and control your foods and energy intake and control your body weight.
Inhibit the growth of bad bacteria, promote the growth of beneficial probiotics.
Improve diarrhea, food allergies, lactose intolerance & cholesterol.
Boost metabolism and immunity.
Enzyme Premix
Regulate digestive function.
Promote gastrointestinal health.
Current recommendations from the United States National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine to suggest:
Adults : 25-30 grams dietary fiber / day
Children : 19-26 grams dietary fiber / day